Friday, July 3, 2015

LinkedIn Big Kahuna oto

LinkedIn Big Kahuna OTO

LinkedIn Big Kahuna by Lee Cole Review and download – How to Land Big Ticket, High Value Clients Using LinkedIn

LinkedIn Big Kahuna by Lee Cole review

Having a really hard time with making money online? That’s mostly caused by a real disconnect with offliners and consultants about how to use social media as a sales tool. Most people don’t understand when to quit the “social part” of social media and how to get the prospect off of the social media site and into a real sales presentation. Here’s the deal, you’re not going to close a big client unless you either talk with them on the phone or meet them in person. Nobody just clicks a buy button somewhere and sends you a multi-thousand dollar payment for a complex service. Your client needs to actually talk with you! You need to actually “sell” them on your product or service. Most would be offliners and consultants fail to get clients from social media specifically because they can’t bridge that gap between making the connection on social media and actually having them sit down for a sales presentation. This is exactly what you’ll learn to do in LinkedIn Big Kahuna by Lee Cole: how to get prospects off of LinkedIn and onto the ...
LinkedIn Big Kahuna OTO

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